Baby It’s Cold Outside…

Yep, it is winter in Iowa and we all need to have our cold weather gear ready to go. We have doggie coats and sweaters. They are easy to put on, washable and oh so stylish. Warm sweaters, fleece coats and widbreaker jackets should be just what is needed to keep old man winter at bay.
Don’t forget about the tender feet. Salt on the sidewalk, snow balls stuck in paws and just the bitter cold can all be painful. Pictured is Cooper sporting his insulated boots. Paw rub, to moisturize and protect the pads is another option. Come in, take a look and see what you think will work best for your dog.

If you are not bringing your dog in for a “fitting” please take a few measurements. For coats measure around the neck, chest behind the front legs and then length along the back from collar to base of tail. For boots simply ask your dog to stand on a piece of paper and make a paw tracing.
