February Newsletter

leashonlife1Think Positive about Dog Training…

Dog training… it’s part of being a dog owner, but training methods vary greatly. The techniques and methods used defines the relationship your dog will have with you and others for years to come. Although science based, the dog training profession remains unregulated. Practically anyone can operate as a dog trainer.

Before choosing a dog trainer always ask for their training philosophy. Harmful practices are unfortunately still used by some trainers. The potential for detrimental effects from training techniques such as alpha methods, dominance rolls, prong/choke collars are well documented and include aggression, increased anxiety and fear. No dog deserves to live this way, so listen for these terms. For any pet service, be sure to do thorough investigation. This means more than checking out a business website. Anyone's website will tell you they are successful. Any reputable place will encourage you to come inside. Always beware of any pet service (training, boarding or grooming) which does not allow or encourage you to visit their location.

Positive training should be the only method considered and should be applied consistently. Positive reinforcement (reward based) builds a healthy bond between you and your dog.  Every interaction with your dog is a learning experience. You are training them whether you intend to or not. With a bond of trust your dog will be an eager learner making it possible for them to accomplish far more than you expect! By reinforcing behavior you like and want to continue seeing, you set your dog up for success. Regardless of age and past experience, ethical training techniques give your dog AND you many happy years in a hectic human world.


leashonlife2Which Toy is Indestructible?

Oh my, we get asked this question all the time. The answer…a healthy energetic dog can destroy anything. No dog toy, no matter who makes it, is indestructible, this we can guarantee. If you leave anything for a dog to chew, odds are it will be chewed up. Our moto is: If they are destroying their own thing and not yours it is a good day. Other than causing owner related frustration, chewing is important for healthy teeth as well as state of mind. Dogs chew to relieve stress, boredom as well as for entertainment. The mouth is how dogs explore their world. Basically, a dog’s view of all thinks in her world is ‘can I chew it?’ Having many and varied things for your dog to chew is important. The Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson has an entire chapter devoted to chewing entitled “It’s all Chew Toys to Them”. Equally important is redirecting dogs toward items you want them to chew. A stuffed Kong, Benebones, No Hides, West Paw toys and bully sticks are a few examples of great chewing dog babysitters. On a similar note, many dogs LOVE stuffed toys and LOVE tearing them apart. De-stuffing is what makes them fun. To give a dog a stuffed toy and expect it to not be torn is a bit like giving a child a cupcake and telling them they can only look at it, no eating.

Iowa City:

M-F: 10 to 6
Sat: 10 to 4
Sun: noon to 4

North Liberty

M, T, W, F: 10 to 6
Th: 11 to 7
Sat: 10 to 4
Sun: 11 to 2


leashonlife3Jammin’ at JP’s…

Great music, great cause., what more do we need to say?
Come and enjoy Two Bit Maniac at a fundraiser for Paws and More Animal Shelter.  Two Bit Maniac is an Iowa City group playing great covers of classic rock, blues & jazz.

When: Saturday February 2nd, 7pm-9pm (doors open at 6)

Where: JP’s 207 , located at 207 West Main in Washington Iowa

Tickets are $10 available at Leash on Life, Paws & More 319-653-6713 or at the door.


leashonlife4 Adoptable Dog of the Month, Tenny…

Tenny is a busy 3-6 year old Pit mix. She loves to learn and make people happy. Tenny is available through the Iowa City Adoption Center. Call (319) 356-5295 or visit www.icanimalcenter.org  to learn more about all the animals at the Center.

December Newsletter

Party Time…
Leash on Life would like to thank you for your business throughout the entire year. Back, by popular demand…our customer appreciation party. Store wide sales and door prizes. Stock up for your own pets and help fill the donation boxes for our local shelters. We will have drinks and hors d’oeuvres for you. This can be a busy time and we ask that you leave your four-legged friends home. Plus, you would not want them to see their surprises early! Please join us:

North Liberty…Thursday December 6th, 4pm – 8pm
Iowa City…Sunday December 9th, noon – 4pm

It Takes a Village…
We hope you had a relaxing and safe Thanksgiving. We are thankful throughout the year for our loyal customers. Your support allows us to carry out our goal of providing healthy products for your pets and reinvest in our community. Working together we make this a great place to be a pet and a pet parent. We were reminded of this when we recently found a crew of kittens on our front porch. With great confidence we took them to the Iowa City Animal Care and Adoption Center, knowing they would receive great care and find wonderful homes.

The Iowa City area is fortunate to have several local businesses and veterinarians dedicated to happy healthy pets. If you are unfamiliar with any of these fine businesses, check them out or give us a call.

Training… Spot & Co and Best Friends Dog Academy
While you are away… Pooch Palace, Pet Sitters and Two Sisters Kennel

Save the Dates...
Share the joys of the season with volunteers and animals at area adoptions centers. Enjoy refreshments as you interact with wonderful animals.

PAWS & More Animal Shelter - Holiday Open house
Saturday, December 1st from noon to 4 PM
1004 ½ West Madison Street, Washington, Iowa

Iowa City Animal Care & Adoption Center -
Holiday with the Hounds
Saturday December 15th 10 am – 2 pm
3910 Napoleon Lane, Iowa City

Johnson County Humane Society, Gift Wrapping at Leash on Life
Saturday December 15th in North Liberty
Sunday December 16th, Iowa City

Last Hope Animal Rescue – Cat Adoption open house
Sundays in December 11 am – 2 pm
1823 16th Ave SW, Cedar Rapids

Adoptable Cat of the Month, Fish….
Fish is a gorgeous 3-6 year old gal. Fish is available through the Iowa City Adoption Center. Call (319) 356-5295 or visit www.icanimalcenter.org to learn more about all the animals at the Center.

November Newsletter 2018

1Winter Games Night…
Join Best Friends Dog Academy and Leash on Life
For a night of fun and games!
We all need something to keep the pups busy when the snow flies. Interactive toys and games are a great cabin fever diversion. Ever want to try those dog puzzles before your dog or do you need new ideas for fun and games? Well, now’s your chance! Get ideas and advice at Game Night with plenty of dog games for you to see. Demo dogs will be here to show you how each toy works, please leave your pooch home.


2Where: Best Friends Dog Academy 
4852 Sand Road Building C
(Take the driveway east, follow the signs, turn right after the outdoor kennels)
When: Tuesday November 13th 6-8 PM

Sign up for class at www.bestfriendsdogacademy.com

Puzzles and games will be available for purchase at the class and receive a FREE bag of training treats from Leash on Life with purchase at the class!

Old Man Winter on the Way…
4Yep, it’s heading into winter and we all need to have our cold weather gear ready to go. 3We carry a wide variety of doggie coats and sweaters. How about a stylish puffy vest? New this year is Canada Pooch, the stretch belly panel keeps the cold out and makes for a perfect fit. They are easy to put on, washable and oh so stylish. Want something a bit more light hearted? How about one of our motion activated light up holiday sweaters. Perfect for the “life of the party”.

Don’t forget about their tender feet. Salt on the sidewalk, snow balls stuck in paws and just the bitter cold can all be painful. New, are Wellie boots, they are waterproof, flexible, easy on and stay on.

5Come in, take a look and see what you think will work best for your dog.
If you are not bringing your dog in for a “fitting” please take a few measurements. For coats measure around the neck, chest behind the front legs and length along the back from collar to base of tail. For boots simply ask your dog to stand on a piece of paper and make a paw tracing.

6Yeowww, Calling all Cats!
Yep, Yeowww® catnip toys are here. If your cat has never experienced Yeowww catnip, don’t make them wait any longer. How can you beat organically grown U.S.A. catnip? One note of caution…once your cat has a Yeowww® toy they will be howling for more. We have lots of great cat toys for the new kitten or older cats. As a matter of fact we have so many cat toys it will be hard to decide which ones will please your feline the most.

6Adoptable Cat of the Month, Siri….
Siri is a cute 3-6 year old cat. Siri is available through the Iowa City Adoption Center. Call (319) 356-5295 or visit www.icanimalcenter.org to learn more about all the animals at the Center.

September Newsletter 2018

Hide & Seek...
Just like hide & seek takes two players, so do our new, fun and unique dog and cat interactive training puzzles. The Trixie puzzles are a great opportunity for you to bond with your dog and cat while teaching them new skills. These are not toys to leave alone with your pet, each puzzles comes with a booklet of helpful training tips for you and your pet to figure out together. Check out the video of pets in action. Mental exercise is important for good health!

Grain Free Dog Food…
In July the FDA issued a public notice of a potential link between the legumes found in most grain free diets and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in dogs. Currently their concern is a correlative (not causative) link. Taurine is an amino acid required for heart function. A deficiency of taurine causing heart issues has long been known in cats and you will find it supplemented in cat foods. Several of the dogs with DCM, which prompted the FDA notice, showed low levels of taurine and were eating grain free diets. It is too early in the research to know the cause and effect in these dogs.

What should you do if you are feeding a grain free food? Ask yourself why you are feeding grain free, the fact is very few dogs have actual food allergies. Despite marketing efforts, your dog’s nutritional need is no more like a wolf than we are nutritionally like the great apes.

We have always carried several high quality foods with quality grains. You will also find Fromm food (grain free or whole grains) has been adding supplemental taurine for years, reinforcing their historic and ongoing commitment to your pet’s health. Come in and talk with us about changing your food if you have concerns. We will continue to monitor the findings of the research.

Don’t Stop Now...
This is the time of year we hear pet owners complaining about fleas. Do NOT stop your flea preventive until it is consistently below 40 degrees. A single flea may bite more than 350 times daily! For a sensitive or flea-allergic animal, itching caused by the bites can become severe. Fleas also transmit tapeworms. While adult fleas are wingless, they move fast, leaping up to 16 inches at a time. Add this to their small stature, and fleas become difficult to see. To effectively eliminate fleas from BOTH your pet and your home, you must disrupt the flea’s life cycle. Flea eggs laid in your home can take up to 2 weeks to hatch, so be consistent with preventive. We carry Wondercide, Alzoo and Advanitx, or see your friendly veterinarian for other products.

Adoptable Dog of the Month, Chief….
Chief is a handsome elder statesman of a hound. He is looking for a home with a fenced yard and someone to take him for a nice stroll. Chief is available through the Iowa City Adoption Center. Call (319) 356-5295 or visit www.icanimalcenter.org to learn more about all the animals at the Center.

July 2018 Newsletter

Summer Suggestions…

Here are some Fourth of July, as well as summer time tips to keep your pet safe. fireworks newsletter

  • Your dog and cat’s hearing and vision is different than ours. The flash, boom and crowds of fireworks can cause great anxiety for them. Leave your pet home.
  • In addition to the noise and crowds we are having a very hot summer. Dogs can not cool off like we do causing them to dangerously overheat, and the pavement can burn their feet. You should go and enjoy the fireworks, Farmer’s Market, music or arts fest, but leave your dog safely at home.
  • When you leave them at home keep them inside. A cool location with plenty of water is best. Even the best of dogs who never escape your back yard may jump or dig out due to fear during fireworks.
  • Microchipping and an ID tag will assist if your get separated from your dog.
  • If your pet has a history of anxiety from fireworks or thunder we have some options to help. We have several varieties of calming treats. All assist with anxious situations for dogs and cats. Thundershirts™ provide a gentle, constant pressure which has a calming effect for most dogs.
  • If your dog needs sunscreen on a sensitive nose or belly…NO PABA is the rule.
  • Flies or gnats bugging them…NO DEET is the rule.
  • Don’t forget consistent heartworm and flea/tick preventative.


Why inClover?

inClover, is the designer of supplements for dogs and cats. Content and ingredient quality is of utmost importance to us at Leash on Life and inClover passes with flying colors. inClover has the NASC (National Animal Supplement Council) seal of quality on all products. Rooted in science (clinically tested) and developed with nature, inClover specifically focuses on natural alternatives for chronic conditions in dogs and cats. inclover pictinClover has supplements for joint health, allergies, digestive health and treats to help those teeth. New to inClover is BioResiliant. BioResiliant® is made up of only active ingredients that tackle canine discomfort related to seasonal allergies. BioResiliant maintains normal histamine levels and supports the natural keratinization process. This is a great option for the itchy footed or hot spot dog. Try any inClover product as directed for 30 days. If your pet does not improve you can return the item for a refund.
InClover is an English phrase meaning to be at the height of health and comfort. May your pets always be InClover.


Adoptable Cat of the Month, Daphne…daphne pict

Kitten season is hitting the Animal Center. If you are looking for a kitten now is the time. Ms Daphne is as sweet as she looks. Daphne is available through the Iowa City Adoption Center. Call (319) 356-5295 or visit www.icanimalcenter.org  to learn more about all the animals at the Center.

June Newsletter 2018








Food Safety First…

Do Rover or Fluffy give you a big smile when you dump their big fresh bag of food into your plastic storage container? What they don’t know is over time this is not a good way to store their yummy diner.

Exposure to air and humidity can rapidly degrade pet food and increase risk of contamination. Pet kibble should be sealed after every feeding. Ideally, once opened, you would finish feeding a bag within a months’ time.  If your pet eats dry kibble, the best storage is in the original bag. High quality pet food bags have been designed to keep out the elements and maintain freshness for as long as possible. If you want to store food in a plastic container, the best option is to use the original bag and place it in the plastic container. If pouring food into the container, clean and completely dry the container each time you refill. Why? The oil residue in the container from the food will turn bad and cause issues with palatability and GI upset. If you dog or cat has been happily eating their kibble and suddenly are not, this may be the issue. They smell and taste food stored in a contaminated container quicker than our human nose can detect. They are trying to tell you something is not right. Don’t’ forget to also clean food bowls, scoops and treat containers on a regular basis. Those opened cans of food can be stored covered in the refrig for 5-7 days. Any long than that and they should be tossed.

Repetition Pays Off…

We love having our frequent buyer program for most of the foods we sell. Many of you love this program too! Who can argue with buy 12, get a free bag. If you have been partaking in this program you know we moved to an electronic tracking system about 9 bar codemonths ago…no more clipping and saving of the UPC codes! If you have any UPCs at home from before we started the electronic tracking, please bring them in so we can enter them into the system for you. We have a cut off of July 31st to have these entered. If you are not feeding a food with a frequent buyer offer, please come talk with us about finding a great food for your dog or cat where you can take advantage of this savings.




For Our Best Friends…

New tough dog toys! Just in time for outside fun, we have added 4BF toys. These are all made from non-toxic, plant-derived natural rubber. In many shapes and sizes there is something that should entertain the chase and tug obsessed dog.


Adoptable Cat of the Month, Jewel…
Picture5Kitten season is hitting the Animal Center. If you are looking for a kitten now is the time. If a more regal senior is more to your liking you may want to visit Jewel. She is a nice senior lady. Jewel is available through the Iowa City Adoption Center. Call (319) 356-5295 or visit www.icanimalcenter.org  to learn more about all the animals at the Center.

Spring is here so let’s CELEBRATE!

Please join us:Picture1-fruit

North Liberty on Friday May 18th

Iowa City on Saturday May 19th

We are throwing a party!, for those who feed Fromm, all who want to try Fromm or those who want to have fun (that covers everyone!)

  • Enjoy ice cream
  • Win prizes
  • Play B-ball and a quiz game
  • Of course GREAT deals on Fromm kibble and cans!

We will offer free small bags of food with purchase of a bag, buy one, get one on cans and treat prizes. All the food talk making you hungry? Have some ice cream on us! Want to share the love with dogs & cats in need? We are giving dollars off on a Fromm food donation to any rescue of your choice.


Why do we want to have a fun Fromm day?

  • Commitmentment to quality pet nutrition
  • Strict safety standards
  • Family owned business for 5 generations
  • Made in their own Wisconsin facility
  • Frequent buyer program
    Bring your Fromm questions, staff from Fromm will be with us!

Green Grass of Home…peaches

If you put a handful of fertilizer in one spot on your lawn it will turn brown from an overload of nitrogen. Excess protein in a dog’s diet breaks down into nitrogen in their urine resulting in brown spots in your yard.


Fertilizing your yard will make this situation worse. Things which may help are…add water to your dog’s food thus diluting their urine, train your dog to urinate in one spot then water your lawn in the area and eliminate lawn fertilizers. If you are planting grass, Bluegrass and Bermuda are most sensitive to the nitrogen, Rye grass and Fescue are more resistant to browning.

We carry ‘Dog Rocks’ which easily sit in your dog’s water bowl. They work by removing nitrogen in the water. Pet Natural’s of Vermont, Lawn Aid treats work to dilute urine.

Adoptable Cat of the Month, Peaches…

Peaches is between 3-6 years old. This gal is available through the Iowa City Adoption Center. Call (319) 356-5295 or visit www.icanimalcenter.org  to learn more about all the animals at the Center.

April Newsletter 2018


Isle of Dogs...

Visit the Film Scene for Isle of Dogs, presented with Leash on Life and Friends of the Animal Center Foundation. Opening April 13th, director Wes Anderson's inimitable style is going to the dogs in his latest star-studded stop-motion spectacle! With the assistance of a pack of mongrel friends, a boy begins an epic journey in search of his bodyguard-dog, Spots.
Saturday, April 14 & Sunday, April 15, 11:00am • Dog Friendly Screenings
Bring your friendly dog to the movies on opening weekend mornings. Ticket includes a seat, water and free doggie bags for your pup provided by Leash on Life!

Whether or not you attend the film, your pup is invited to join us from 10:00am-Noon to strut down the blue carpet for a FREE photo shoot with Laurie Haag Photography—no ticket required. Plus, check out Laurie's pooch photography in the gallery all month long.

Red Rover, Red Rover, Bring Supplies Right Over…


Iowa City’s Domestic Violence Intervention Program, DVIP is the only domestic violence program in Iowa with an organized safe pet program. Named Cooper’s House, in memory of a DVIP dog, DVIP was awarded a national grant from Red Rover to expand support services on premises. This provides the therapeutic value of families and pets staying together when they are in crisis.


Up to 70% of domestic violence victims report having a pet. Abusers threaten, injure, and at times kill pets to control their victims and create an environment of fear within the home. Approximately 48% of women have refused to leave a dangerous situation for fear of their pets’ safety.

Cooper’s House is ready, the food pantry is stocked, but the toy cupboard is empty! Join us on Saturday April 28th as we partner with DVIP to stock Cooper’s House. We will have generous sales on beds, blankets, toys, treats and health products specifically needed for donation.  DVIP staff will showcase Cooper’s house and provide information about DVIP. Leash on Life staff will host demos of products helpful for all dogs and cats in times of transition.


Adoptable Dog of the Month, Callie…
Callie is the life of the party. She is very smart, and you will need to keep her mind busy.
She is very high energy and adopters need to keep her active. Callie is available through the Iowa City Adoption Center, call (319) 356-5295 or visit www.icanimalcenter.org  to learn more about all the animals at the Center.





March Newsletter 2018

01March Madness…
It’s that time of year again, March Madness. For some it’s the basketball tournament office pool, but for those of us with dogs we know the madness is in the house. March is cabin fever time when the dogs are a little stir crazy and we are all ready for spring. How do we cope? With sales on all kinds of things! During the month of March check out sales on Primal Frozen bones, cases of Fromm dog & cat cans, new interactive toys, new collars by Jess Betts designs and Up Country, outdoor products by Kurgo and check out the “tried & true, but need to make room for new items” sale table. A new sale every week, watch Facebook, Instagram or just stop in for the latest.

Many Happy Returns…
Leash on Life appreciates all the support we receive from our loyal customers throughout the year. We always remember we would not be here without you. We do our best to give back to the community which has been so kind of us. During 2017 here are just a few of the organizations we have supported with monetary donations, product donations, or donations of our time. When you spend your dollars with us your pet gets quality products and together we care for our community.

*Friends of the Animal Center Foundation *
Paws and More Animal Shelter*
*Safe Heaven of Iowa County* 02
*Last Hope rescue*
*Fur Fun rescue*
*Farm Sanctuary*
* Therapy Dogs of Johnson County *
*Johnson County Humane Alliance*
*Johnson County Humane Society*
*Witty Kitties *
*RARE, Raptor Advocacy Rehabilitation & Education*
*Iowa Equine & Awareness League*

Iowa City Pride * North Liberty Food Pantry * Compeer * Regina Education Center * Crisis Center * Breast Cancer fundraiser * Hospice walk * Bird House * Bur Oak Land Trust * UI Dance Marathon * American Heart Association, Go Red for Women * United Way, Power of the Purse * Numerous Iowa City & North Liberty Schools * NAMI*
03Clean Up!

As we wait for spring we are all reminded of the ‘great spring melt down.’ Yes, after many winter months of keeping warm from the freezing temperatures, everyone is ready to be outside. This means making your way through all the slush and muck. While dirty dogs may have more fun, the same may not be true for your floors and furniture. Our new Tall Tails Paw Mitts are just the thing to keep in the car or at your door. Absorbent and machine washable they absorb the grim and make for easy cleanup.


Adoptable Dog of the Month, Pretty Girl…
04Pretty Girl is a sweet senior looking for a place to call her own. She is deaf and blind, so it will take her awhile to get the run of new house. She sees the world through her nose. Pretty Girl is available through the Iowa City Adoption Center, call (319) 356-5295 or visit www.icanimalcenter.org to learn more about all the animals at the Center.

February Newsletter 2018

Nulo, “where NUtrition meets LOve”
Thanks to Nulo’s passion for pet nutrition and healthy lifestyles, we are giving away a Fit Bit! Our winner will count every happy step of those Spring dog walks.

zDuring the month of February enter to win the fit bit with every purchase of Nulo.  Second and third place will win free Nulo cat/dog food! To remind you…Nulo is proudly made in the U.S. using only the highest quality ingredients. Nulo is low in carbs and uses low glycemic ingredients in every recipe. Great nutrition isn’t worth much if it isn’t digested thoroughly. Nulo has a patented probiotic to provide better nutrient absorption. Haven’t tried Nulo? With our satisfaction guarantee, now is the time to try.

Let’s See Those Pearly Whites…

February is pet dental month. The bacteria living in your pet’s mouth may be causing the bad breath which makes you avoid those most excited kisses. These bacteria can lead to oral disease and increase the risk for more serious illness including heart disease. The American Veterinary Dental Society reports that 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats show signs of oral disease by age three. Warning signs include bad breath, tartar and swollen red gums. Fractured teeth or cavities can be painful and may change your pet’s eating habits.
Prevention is the key to good health, so we are helping you with a sale. Check out our selection of quality and cost-effective tooth brushes/paste, water additives & chews which aid in keeping those teeth clean. There are many options of dental care for your dog or cat, but it is hard to beat brushing; the challenge of course, is getting us to comply.


Selective Hearing?
Selective hearing is not something unique to only human children. Sometimes you may even think your dog is deaf. You call them to come, ask them to sit…and they look at you like you are speaking a foreign language. That is because you are. You need to help them understand what you are asking. In Patricia McConnell’s book For the Love of a Dog she notes, “Many people seem to believe that dogs come to us able to read our minds and to translate whatever language we happen to be speaking in…The good news is that dog  training has evolved, and is full of humane and effective techniques as enjoyable for your dog as they are for you.”


We recommend Patricia McConnell and Ian Dunbar as Nationally recognized humane trainers. You can also explore the human dog relationship with other titles such as The Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson. We have excellent local trainers who ascribe to the positive reinforcement model. Stop in or call for recommendations.
Adoptable Guinea Pigs of the Month…
Da Zhang Wei and Hiu Chen Yu are both one year old. These handsome fellows are available through the Iowa City Adoption Center, call (319) 356-5295 or visit www.icanimalcenter.org  to learn more about all the animals at the Center.
